Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jameson's Baby Dedication

Last Sunday, August 29th we had the privilege of getting Jameson dedicated at Lifepoint Church. Jeremy and I LOVE our church and a lot of the people there have become like family to us...especially our Lifegroup. Having no family here in Columbus is hard enough at times, but our Lifegroup has made things so much easier. We love being able to go through life with these people! We're able to encourage one another, challenge one another, and pray for each many good memories with these people!

This fall something that is happening in our Lifegroup is that we are "multiplying" (pretty much splitting). We've grown too big as a group and most of our homes can't accommodate that many people anymore. It really is bittersweet...God has blessed our group so much by bringing people in who can feel connected and where we can have community with one another. I love our group but will really miss the others but know we will still see them! I can only pray that as we begin this new fall term that God will continue to bring people to both of our groups and that He will continue to raise up new leaders in our groups so when the time comes to multiply again we will have people to lead those new groups. Jeremy and I have the joy of leading the East side group this fall and have been really praying for the people in our group to fall deeper and deeper in love with the Lord.
Back to Jameson's baby dedication...since Jeremy and I were unsure whether we would be in Columbus the next few months or not, we decided to get Jameson dedicated here. Lifepoint has had a huge part in our spiritual walk over the last few years and we really admire Dean's we figured it was fitting to do the dedication here with people that we love and who know Jameson.

Something I love that our Pastor Dean says in this video is that "Jameson does not belong to us" but that he belongs first to God! This is something that I started praying when I first got pregnant. God is the giver of life and He has chosen to bless us with such a sweet boy, but we are just his earthly parents. We would be failing as parents if we didn't realize this truth. Our job as Jameson's parents is to try our best to raise him to know Christ...a decision that we can never make for him. Our prayer is that God will teach us how to be parents that honor and glorify Him. God gave up His son so that we may have life, and we need to be able to give up Jameson as parents.
"If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you are not
worthy of being Mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than
Me, you are not worthy of being Mine...If you cling to your life, you
will lose it; but if you give up your life for Me, you will find it."
Matthew 10; 37-39

So, here is the video of his baby dedication for all our family who couldn't be there. I can only pray that Jameson will give his life to Christ someday and that you all (family) will be there to share in the moment when he gets baptized. Sorry you couldn't be there for the dedication, but hopefully this video will make it seem like you were there. So here it is (oh, and Jameson got his first Bible from Lifepoint with his full name on it!):

Jameson's Baby dedication
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