Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Birth Story

We figured a lot of you have already heard our birth story, but I wanted to write it down so I didn't forget it. We also wanted to share some videos of Jameson's first few hours of life.

Sunday, July 25th at 3:00am....I woke up feeling some light contractions. They were about 8-10 apart...I remember laying in bed and staring at the clock as I timed them. I eventually got up cause I was so excited and couldn't sleep anymore! By the time Jeremy got up, we decided to skip church this morning...more so cause I feared my water breaking in the middle of church! Instead I spent the next 12 hours cleaning! I scrubbed the bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, finished all our laundry, had Jeremy set up the baby's swing...oh yea, and finally packed our hospital bags. I am defiantly a procrastinator at times!

Sunday, July 25th at 11:00pm....after a day of cleaning and going on lots of walks, we decided that my contractions were not close enough for me to go to the hospital yet. They were lasting about 5-7 apart for 35sec-1min in length, but were not consistent enough, so we decided to go to bed.

Sunday, July 25th at 11:59pm to Monday, July 26th at 4:00am....I still could not sleep. The contractions were a little painful and were keeping me up. I maybe slept for an hour that night...I don't know how ppl can sleep through contractions! I was still timing my contractions and they were still about 5 apart and lasting about a minute. I woke Jeremy up at 4am and told him let's go for a walk! I'm sure he loved that! That night there was a HUGE full moon that was absolutely beautiful! After our walk, Jeremy cooked me breakfast and we decided to head to the hospital. of course, on the way to the hospital our car started shaking a lot and when we pulled into the parking lot, we realized we got a FLAT!

Monday, July 26th at 5:30am....admitted to triage. Checked and was 3cm dilated! That was progress cause at all my doctor appts I had only been 1cm. The nurse monitored me for about 1/2hr and then let me get up to walk around. I walked around for about an hour. Nurse checked me again and said I was close to a 4. At this point the contractions started becoming a little further apart and were not consistent enough. We decided to walk for another hour but still had made no progress. The nurse gave us 2 options. We could go home or we could stay and they could break my water. I decided it was best to go home. I really wanted to labor at home as long as possible. I was terrified of getting pitocin or a c-section. We left the hospital around 8am. Jeremy put the donut on our car and drove to a shop where we got a new tire. We then headed to the mall to walk some more. Of course, around this time the contractions were coming further and further apart.

Monday, July 26th at noon...we head home. Contractions have pretty much stopped. :( We take a nap and shower. My friend Tara comes over to keep me company while Jeremy heads into work for orientation. 2pm...Tara and I go for a walk and the contractions start coming back. It seemed like anytime I was walking I would have contractions but when I would sit they would stop. 3:45pm...Tara and I decided to start making dinner. I had an awesome recipe for eggplant parmesean that was supposed to induce labor. While making dinner, the contractions started to get really INTENSE! I knew these were the real thing now as they became very difficult to walk and talk through. The other contractions I had been experiencing were just icing on the cake compared to these. Jeremy came home and wanted to head to the hospital. Of course silly me wanted to still stay home. I really wanted that dinner! But they were getting so bad that we had to go.

Monday, July 26th at 5:30pm...skipped triage and admitted to the hospital. Checked and was 5-6cm. Tried to last a little bit longer but decided it would be best to get the epidural. That was the longest wait and as I had to get an IV first. I finally got the "drugs" around 7pm and it was glorious! I could relax! They broke my water and I was at 6cm now. Checked an hour later at 8pm and no progress. Nurse come back at 9pm and still really no change. The nurse said she would wait 2 hours before checking me again. She mentioned pitcoin if things didn't start speeding up in the next few hours. I think my body didn't like hearing that and started to speed up things. Around 9:30pm I started to feel some pain in my lower back. I thought maybe the epidural was starting to wear off so I pressed the button they gave me for more medication. The pain was not going away, so I called in the nurse. She asked a few questions and asked me if I wanted her to check me and I decided I could wait one more stupid!

10:40pm...I was trying so hard to make it to the 2 hour mark but the pain was getting so BAD! I remember thinking I thought I'm not supposed to feel any pain cause of the epidural! I finally couldn't make it anymore and called the nurse back in. She checked me and yup I was at 10cm!!!! If only I would have had her check me earlier...I'm sure I was at 10cm an hour earlier but instead I decided to endure the pain!

11pm...started to push. I was trying so hard to make it before midnight cause I thought it would be so cool to have our baby on my due date.

Tuesday, July 27th at 12:06am...Jameson Tucker Iwanski is born!!! He had a mind of his own and came 6min past my due date! Jeremy and I were in complete shock that we had a BOY! We both thought it was going to be a girl and were pretty convinced. Jeremy was speechless when he came out. He was supposed to announce if it was a boy or girl. It took him a few seconds and then he finally said "we have a son" at the same time I said "it's a boy."

Jameson Tucker Iwanski
7lbs 10oz, 20 inches long


Unknown said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your story, Stacey--I had a very similar labor too...contractions, walking around, two nights without sleep...but everything is worth it when the baby arrives! What a blessing and a miracle. Hope you guys are doing wonderfully!

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